Organize room by room

Project #1 Organize toys in living room

Since I have 2 kids under two years old it is important to be well organized.  Toys were never a huge issue before because we had mostly baby toys and we would bring them out when needed.  Now that my oldest son is turning 2 in November, toys have exploded all over my living room, the basement, the bedroom and even in the bathroom!  Toys and parts of toys are getting lost, puzzle pieces are misplaced and we have lego in just about every inch of our house! I have shelving units for some of them but I have decided to undergo the task of organizing the lot of them.  I also want to tech my oldest son Hunter that each toy has a place and the importance of cleaning up.  Over then next couple of weeks I will take pictures of just how I will accomplish this with "before and after".  If you have some of the same issue hopefully this will help you as well!

 The "Before Picture" of the toy area in living room
The toys went in any bucket that had room and if there was no room they ended up on the floor in stacked in a corner of the room No organization whatsoever!

Step1- Gather all of the toys in the living room and sort them into pile and bins.

Step 2- Take pictures of the items in each bin so you can label the binswith the pictures later and put the bins away so that all toys have a spot.

Step 3- Print off the pictures and tape the to the corresponding bins so it will be easy for your kids to match the items to the pictures.  For older kids learning to read, you can print off labels with the pictures so they can learn the words. Or for kids that can read just print the words.

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